Potential Thesis Topics

2025-01-15 · 3 min read

General Area of Thesis Supervision:

Machine Learning in Finance, Cryptocurrencies, Political Finance, Empirical Finance, Quantitative Finance, Risk Management, Parameter and Model Uncertainty, Forecasting

Open Topics:

Seminars (e.g. Seminar in finance)

  • Ambiguity/Parameter Uncertainty and Real Option Portfolios (Literature Review)
  • Predicting the equity premium with ambiguity, which measure performs best?
  • Predicting stock returns with ambiguity vs measuring the current level of ambiguity from the markets
  • Predicting the equity premium with cross-sectional moments using simple ML rather than OLS and auto-encoders rather than principal components.
  • Turbulence before and after elections. Is there a relationship to the measure of political uncertainty of Kelly et al. (2016)?

Thesis (Mainly master thesis)

Please be aware, that I will only supervise theses, where the Research Proposal fulfills the following requirements:

  • Either use exactly one of the topics given below, or
  • Suggest a topic that is closely related to one of those given below. If so, the main paper to base your research on must have been published (or accepted for publication) in one of the Top Finance Journals (preferrably A+, but at least A in this ranking).
  • For the Research Pitch/Proposal I suggest to take a very close look at Robert Faff’s Webpage on pitching research, especially on the Finance examples.
  • Political Finance:

    • The cost of populism (relate to corruption and economic freedom indices)
    • Election Portfolios: Drivers of Betting Quotes and Stock Returns
  • Innovative Finance - Machine Learning in Finance:

    • Multivariate Predictability in Assets and Factors. Apply Machine Learning techniques to exploit linear and nonlinear predictability.
    • Machine Learning in Asset Management. Clustering/Shrinking, Factor Models and the Covariance Matrix
    • Predicting the Equity Premium with Machine Learning and turbulence measures rather than anomaly returns (see this paper)
  • Innovative Finance - Cryptocurrencies:

    • Factor investing in crypto currencies
    • A cryptocurrency turbulence index
  • Innovative Finance - Uncertainty (Parameter/Financial/Macro-Financial/Portfolio …):

    • NEW: History-aware ambiguity measures: is there something turbulence can learn from probability uncertainty and vice-versa?
    • NEW: Macro-Financial Uncertainty and the work of Rossi & Sekhposyan, 2017 and Rossi, Sekhposyan & Soupre, 2016. Relate the various indices to each other. What measures what? How can we find out what the best measure of uncertainty is? (see also Bekaert et. al, 2022)
    • The term structure of uncertainty: Uncertainty (Unusualness/Turbulence) in good times, uncertainty in bad times and uncertainty about bad times. Investigate the term structure of uncertainty and its implications on (e.g.) asset prices.
    • Within- and cross-country uncertainty (data available). What drives (international) asset prices?
    • Higher (Co)Moment Uncertainty and Stock Returns
    • Financial Turbulence and the Estimation of Tail Risk
  • Asset Pricing:

    • What is the optimal number of portfolios to build for long-short factor premia? Is building portfolios the right way? A good starting point is this paper (ONLY FOR TOP STUDENTS)
    • What is the optimal number of partitions (portfolios) for the calculation of cross-sectional predictors (e.g. cross-sectional volatility)? Which cross-section delivers the best predictor of the equity premium? (ONLY FOR TOP STUDENTS, I CAN PROVIDE DATA AND PARTS OF THE CODES). See also Walter et. al, 2022, Non-Standard Errors in Portfolio Sorts
    • Factor Momentum: Factor Uncertainty and Factor Momentum Performance.
  • Asset Selection:

    • Robust portfolios: Estimation & Empirics
Cryptocurrencies: Many of the topics above allow for an application using cryptocurrencies. I suggest using my crypto2 package to download related data.
Sebastian Stöckl
Associate Professor in Financial Economics